Making the Past Accessible: How Ukrainian Scholars Returned the Taken Archives of the NKVD

A detective story about how more than 400 NKVD files on combating Ukrainian guerillas were taken away from Ukraine in late 1980s and who and how manages to bring these records back.

Stalin's "Fight Against Banditry." Round One: 1944

A unit of the 1st Battalion of the 220th Border Regiment of the NKVD suffered a crushing defeat in a battle with the UPA-North Brigade "Pamyat Bazaru".The unit was surrounded, divided into several groups, and eventually almost completely destroyed. The battle took place on the anniversary of the execution by the Chekisks of 360 captured participants of the Second Winter March of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1921 near the village of Bazar. Thus, the UPA-North brigade symbolically repaid the Communists for the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers.